
Christmas experiences surrey

The Christmas season is a time of warmth, wonder, and togetherness, but for busy families, it can also be a source of stress and chaos. With endless to-do lists and the pressure to create magical moments, finding quality family time during the holidays can be a challenge. We have a Surrey Christmas Experience that will […]

My eco-friendly(er) business

My eco-friendly(er) business My eldest son recently got elected as the class ‘Eco Warrior’ at school and it made me feel so proud. I guess some of my early eco-friendly roots are filtering through to my children after all!! But it did get me thinking that I could be doing an awful lot more.  I […]

free Half-term activities

October & February Half-terms are one of the hardest holidays to fill because it’s starting to get pretty cold. There are lots of paid activities you can do, but if you are looking for free half-term activities, read on: Instead of being cooped up in your home, why not embrace the cold and go out […]